Tree Counter


Developer of nature monitoring technology intended to revolutionize the monitoring, reporting, and verifying of nature with expertise. The company’s cutting-edge analytics platform covers all nature-based solutions, carbon, including forestry, regenerative agriculture, rice methane, grassland management, and blue carbon, providing small holder carbon project developers and natural capital investors with real-time verification of co-benefits and monitoring of potential leakage, double counting, permanence, and additionality of environmental interventions.

What we can do for you?

We are a one stop solution. Our Carbon Done Right methodology and technology company Tree Counter can provide analysis-ready data and results maps and statistics. Metrics can be at plot level, stand level, ecosystem level or at a national or continental scale. For Governments or developers.

We offer both a one-time analysis, and a periodic product or monitoring service where results or data are provided regularly, monthly, quarterly, annually. This depends on your needs and resources. Clients can supply us with the aerial or satellite images for a specific analysis, or we can provide the results based on the available images, some organisations use freely available images such as Sentinel and Landsat images for monitoring of their restoration efforts -or we can deploy Planet imagery.

 **We offer this service free for developing country national governments. Contact our Government Team or further details

‘We are a globally experienced tree planter, with operations all over the world. We have a world leading dataset that provides unprecedented insights into forest change and carbon capture at the individual tree level, with advanced deep learning models’

Our Tree Counter product provides exceptional resolution, accuracy, and regularity to a variety of stakeholders in forested ecosystems – from developing world governments to voluntary carbon market participants and service providers to communities and companies dependent on forests or project developers or supply chains, to jurisdictions and regulators needing quality global insights into changes in forest area and carbon stocks. Metrics can be at plot level, stand level, ecosystem level or at a national or continental scale. For Governments or developers.

Tree Counter along with our partner Bext 360 will set a new standard in remote sensing solutions for forest and carbon monitoring. In the coming decades, forest restoration, conservation, and improved management activities will provide huge importance for the more than 4.5 billion hectares of forested land on the planet.

The world will need accurate, detailed, and granular data as to ensure successful carbon monitoring and to limit ‘carbon cowboys’ and other greenwashing fraudulent activity. Tree Counter dataset will mitigate these risks and provide to developing world sovereign governments a free at the point of use tool, to build efficacy and trust in their own carbon market.

Key highlights for some of our SALEs tech services:
  1. Comprehensive Platform: covering Tree density and Tree Count and Aboveground Live Carbon (Mg/ha).

Forest Carbon is ‘learned’ by Bext 360 + GIS ground teams + LiDAR trained deep learning models and Planet / Sentinel imagery. Tree Counter employs this data to generate detailed carbon data estimates in tons per hectare, empowering the processes of measurement, reporting, and verification in carbon accounting workflows. We have a ‘ready to deploy’ field team for Africa and other global geographies, with full life support and a heritage in complex working environment experience. We used the best human operators married with the latest cutting-edge technology.

  1. Tree mortality (spatial distribution of dead trees, their count, etc.)
  2. Mapping, inventorying, and monitoring forest cover and its changes (ecosystem dynamics)
  3. Mapping specific tree species (their spatial distribution, count, biomass, carbon stock, etc.)
  4. Accurately estimated tree-level woody biomass (both above ground and below ground), and carbon stocks (both above ground and below ground)
  5. Assessing and quantifying landscape/ecosystem restoration potentials and/or hotspots
  6. Assessing and quantifying forest degradation (mapping, inventorying, monitoring)
  7. Assessing, mapping, and monitoring forest types (i.e., plantations – with a variety of species, natural forests) and their related changes
  8. Blockchain ledger
  9. App and API build for project efficacy
  10. Free for governments in the developing world, as little as $0.10c per hectare for companies and project developers.
  11. Quarterly detailed reporting, showing any change and deliver the latest information on changes in forest structure and associated carbon stock
Some of our field CHARGED services to project developers:
  1. Co-operative farmer aggregation 
  2. Smallholder management 
  3. Tree and nursery set up
  4. Land rights, legal set up and leases, including oversight of Full Prior and Informed Consent 
  5. Community Development Action Plans 
  6. National government liaison 
  7. Management and deconfliction of article 6 
  8. Tree planting operations
  9. Remote sensing and DMRV
  10. Bext 360 set up

‘We offer this service free for developing country national governments. Contact our Government Team or further details’